Journal of Arabic Language Teaching
<p><a href=""><strong>ARKHAS</strong></a> ("<strong>AR</strong>" Arabic, "<strong>KHAS</strong>" KH. Achmad Siddiq) is an Arabic teaching journal published by PBA Pascasarjana UIN KH. Achmad Siddiq Jember, Indonesia. The editors invite experts and academics to contribute their manuscripts, whether in the form of research results, in-depth opinions, book reviews relating to Arabic teaching themes. This journal is published periodically twice a year, the first issue in June, the second issue in December as a vehicle for scientific communication around Arabic teaching written in Arabic or English.</p>Postgraduate Study Programme of Universitas Islam Negeri KH. Achmad Siddiq Jember, Indonesia.en-USJournal of Arabic Language Teaching2829-4475تطوير الألعاب اللغوية لتعليم المفردات باستخدام برنامج "سمارت أب جريتور" على أساس نظام الأندرويد بمدرسة نور الحكم الثانوية الإسلامية ستوبندو
<p>The researcher has noticed about the Arabic Language education process at Nurul Hikam Islamic Senior High School in Situbondo it is known that students' enthusiasm for interest in learning vocabulary is still weak. The researcher believed that the teaching of the Arabic language in the Islamic Secondary School in Situbondo city needs an innovative educational method, especially in teaching Arabic language vocabulary, because teaching vocabulary is the basis of language education. The researcher will use the Smart App Creator program in the manufacture of educational aids (language games). The researcher presented three questions: 1) to develop language games to teach vocabulary based on Android 2) to know the feasibility of developing language games for teaching vocabulary based on Android 3) to know effective is the use of language games to teach vocabulary based on Android. The researcher uses ADDIE research. The data was collected through observation, interview and questionnaire. The data sources are from the head of the school and the teacherThe research uses pre-test and pos-test with analysis of this research is quantitative analysis using SPSS 22.0.</p>Ana NurjannahBambang IrawanMaskud MaskudMoh. Yusuf Hidayat
2024-09-202024-09-20429911010.35719/arkhas.v4i2.1732Implementation of Arabic-Based Audio Visual Media in Learning Listening Skills
<p>Arabic language learning in school institutions often challenges the development of basic skills, especially listening skills. This study aims to describe the implementation process of audio-visual media in Arabic language learning, especially listening skills, in grade 3 of MIN 1 Madiun City. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were Arabic teachers and 3rd-grade students of MIN 1 Madiun City. The results showed three stages in the application of audio-visual media: the preparation, implementation, and follow-up. The teacher designs and prepares the materials and audio-visual devices in the preparation stage. The implementation stage involves using audio-visual media during the learning process in the classroom. In the follow-up stage, teachers conduct evaluations and provide feedback to students. With audio-visual media, students can understand the material taught better, creating a more conducive and enjoyable learning atmosphere. In conclusion, audio-visual media effectively improves students' listening skills in learning Arabic at MIN 1 Madiun City.</p>Panji PrasetyaAbdul Muntaqim Al AnshoryNur HasaniyahNoviantika Luksiana Putri
2024-09-202024-09-204211112010.35719/arkhas.v4i2.2096Enhancing Arabic Writing Skills Through the Genre-Based Approach in Senior High School
<p>Arabic writing skills require systematic and progressive learning with clear stages like concept building, modeling, and practice. However, previous studies have often overlooked the importance of combining structured learning models with contextual themes in improving writing proficiency. Addressing this gap, the present study is going to investigate the application of the Genre-Based Approach using the Teaching Learning Cycles Model in Arabic writing instruction. The study is based upon the theme of Travel. The target population is 32 students. A qualitative approach with a descriptive method was used, whereby data were collected through classroom observation, assignments, tests, FGD, and documentation. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. The results show that the GBA with the TLC Model provide gradual learning, through the introduction of concepts, modeling, and practice activities in group and individual settings. It also integrated the 4C skills of 21st-century learning: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Students' learning mastery increased from 39.72% to 87.19% with a mean increase from 60.28 to 81.67 after the intervention. The learning process was also rated positively by observers. This study concludes that GBA with the TLC Model is effective in improving Arabic writing skills through structured, contextual, and collaborative learning experiences.</p>M Yahya AshariMokhammad Miftakhul HudaRifatul Mahfudhoh
2024-12-142024-12-144212113410.35719/arkhas.v4i2.2137تحليل خصائص التحول اللغوي والتخليط اللغوي في كلمات صلوات "محمد ميمانغ سمبورنا" من قبل فرقة حضرة المحبة والي سونغو سيتوبوندو
<p><em>Hadrah al-Mahabah</em> <em>Wali Songo</em> is a form of traditional Islamic art with a unique characteristic. Its uniqueness lies in the lyrics of the <em>salawat</em> or <em>syi'iran</em> that are performed, which differ from the usual <em>hadrah</em> because they were composed directly by Kyai Kholil As'ad Samsul Arifin, the caretaker of the Walisongo Islamic boarding school in Situbondo. His compositions, which carry very profound meanings to praise the Prophet, have received very positive responses from the community. Researchers have found the phenomenon of code-switching and code-mixing in the <em>salawat</em> performed by the Hadrah al-Mahabah group. One example is in the lyrics of the <em>salawat</em> "Muhammad Memang Sempurna" ("Muhammad is indeed perfect"). Therefore, this study aims to critically analyze the occurrence of code-switching and code-mixing in the lyrics of the <em>salawat</em> "Muhammad Memang Sempurna" by the Hadrah al-Mahabah Walisongo group. Using qualitative descriptive research and text content analysis, the study found one type of code-switching and code-mixing in these lyrics. The causes for these linguistic phenomena are attributed to both internal and external factors.</p>Royhanah RoyhanahNurdiana ArifahYuslina Binti Mohamed
2024-12-142024-12-144213515010.35719/arkhas.v4i2.2151Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Through Curriculum Innovation and Development
<p>Sustainable development is a critical global objective, addressing the need for economic, social, and environmental progress without compromising future generations' ability to meet their needs. Previous studies have highlighted the importance of education in fostering sustainable development, yet gaps still need to be in integrating sustainable development principles effectively within educational curricula. This research investigates the integration of educational tracks focused on sustainable development into curricula as a means to address this gap. The study examines explicitly how curricula that promote knowledge, values, and skills related to sustainable development can be designed and implemented to prepare students for the challenges of the modern world. A qualitative research approach was employed, using case studies of various educational systems that have successfully integrated sustainability into their curricula. Data collection involved document analysis and interviews with educators and curriculum developers. The thematic analysis examined how these curricula address economic, social, and environmental challenges. The findings demonstrate that integrating sustainable development into educational tracks significantly enhances students' awareness and capabilities in addressing sustainability issues. Moreover, it equips them with the critical thinking skills and innovative problem-solving abilities necessary for sustainable progress. The study concludes that well-designed curricula focusing on sustainable development are vital in preparing future generations to contribute meaningfully to achieving global sustainability goals.</p>Ahmad Garba
2024-12-152024-12-154215116810.35719/arkhas.v4i2.2157تطبيق استراتيجية خريطة التفكير الدائرة في تعليم مهارة الكلام
<p>The educational process needs learning strategies that are characterized by interaction and building thinking skills in learning speaking skills. This study aims to apply the Circle Thinking Map strategy in improving the mastery of Arabic speaking skills among eighth grade students at Nurul Hidayah Islamic Middle School Tanggamus Lampung. This research is a classroom action research. Classroom action research procedures are carried out in a flow called a cycle. Each cycle consists of four phases of activity, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. This classroom action research is planned in two cycles, where data is collected in the form of observations, interviews, and tests. The results obtained from this study are the application of speaking skill learning using the Circle Thinking Map strategy in the first cycle, where the application rate was 52%. In the second cycle, there was a significant increase to 84%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the application of the Circle Thinking Map strategy improves eighth grade students' ability in speaking skills at Nurul Hidayah Islamic Middle School Tanggamus Lampung.</p>Ahmad BasyoriIntan Ratna PertiwiRahmat Satria Dinata