IJIC: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication https://jurnalpasca.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/IJIC <p>Communication journals have been scattered on various campuses, both undergraduate and postgraduate, in conjunction with broadcasting or da'wah, but all existing communication journals make communication an object of research, so it's no wonder they contain various communication theories that lead to da'wah and broadcasting skills. However, it is different from the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication which is under the auspices of the UIN KHAS Jember Postgraduate Program. Postgraduate is under the auspices of UIN KHAS Jember, which has the jargon as a center for Islamic studies in the archipelago, so various journal directions must be directed towards this jargon, including the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication as the Journal of Islamic Communication. Therefore, the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication does not make communication science an object but rather a subject capable of communicating religious issues and various lifelines, including culture, modernity, etc. At this stage, the journal Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication integrates and interconnects various sciences to become new ones.</p> Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Pascasarjana UIN KHAS Jember en-US IJIC: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication 2715-0259 THE CONCEPT OF QUR'ANIC THINKING AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF CRITICAL ATTITUDES IN DA’WAH https://jurnalpasca.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/IJIC/article/view/2141 <p><em>In the modern era, which is full of information and diverse currents of thought, critical thinking is an essential skill for a da’i. The Qur'an, as the main source of Islamic teachings, contains many verses that encourage its followers to think critically and reflectively. This study aims to examine the concept of Qur'anic thinking and its implications for the formation of critical attitudes in da’wah. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. Data is collected from various sources, such as the Qur'an, hadith, tafsir books, and scientific works related to the topic. This study finds that the concept of Qur'anic thinking has significant implications for the formation of critical attitudes in da’wah. Concepts such as questioning assumptions, seeking evidence, being open to different perspectives, and using reason and logic become the basis for preachers to deliver effective and enlightening preaching. This study concludes that the concept of Qur'anic thinking needs to be integrated into the process of learning and training preachers. This is expected to produce competent da’i who are able to answer the challenges of the times in da’wah.</em></p> Ahmad Hayyan Najikh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 7 1 1 13 10.35719/ijic.v7i1.2141 INTEGRATION OF TECHNOLOGY IN DA’WAH: UTILIZATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND MULTIMEDIA CONTENT TO IMPROVE ACCESSIBILITY AND DA’WAH STRATEGIES OF GUS IQDAM https://jurnalpasca.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/IJIC/article/view/2144 <p>Technology has brought significant changes to various aspects of life, including Islamic dawah. This article explores the integration of technology, especially social media and multimedia content, in efforts to improve accessibility and effectiveness of dawah. With the increasing number of internet and social media users, these platforms offer great opportunities for da’is to reach a wider and more diverse audience. The utilization of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube enables the delivery of Islamic messages quickly and interactively. Features such as comments, live streaming, and content sharing strengthen the engagement between da’is and the audience, creating a more dynamic and responsive dialogue. In addition, multimedia content such as video lectures, worship tutorials, and documentaries about Islamic history can attract the attention of young audiences, especially Gen Z, who are more familiar with digital formats. This research uses the netnography method with a case study approach. This research also highlights the importance of measuring the effectiveness of dawah through data analytics, which allows for the adjustment of strategies based on audience responses. The included case study demonstrates how Gus Iqdam and the Management of Majelis Ta’lim Sabilu_Taubah successfully integrated technology to expand their reach and increase the impact of their dawah. In conclusion, the integration of technology in dawah is an important step to address the challenges of the modern era and ensure that Islamic messages can be accessed and understood by a wide audience. Da’is are expected to continue to adopt and utilize technology to deliver dawah in a more relevant and effective manner.</p> Risqiatul Hasanah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 7 1 14 38 10.35719/ijic.v7i1.2144 ENHANCING ALUMNI PARTICIPATORY COMMUNICATION FOR PESANTREN'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A CONCEPTUAL APPROACH https://jurnalpasca.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/IJIC/article/view/2146 <p><em>This study aims to develop an effective participatory communication model between Islamic boarding schools and alumni in order to increase alumni involvement and support Islamic boarding schools' economic development. We used a descriptive-qualitative research method, which involves in-depth observation and data analysis. The research results show that ongoing communication between Islamic boarding schools and alumni still faces several obstacles, such as lack of access to technology, incomplete alumni data, and generational differences. However, there are great opportunities in the use of digital platforms, updating alumni databases, and developing interesting alumni programs. The implementation of this participatory communication model has resulted in a significant increase in alumni involvement, as well as strengthening financial and non-financial support for Islamic boarding schools. Evaluation of the impact of this communication model shows increased alumni participation in various Islamic boarding school activities, which contributes to the economic development of Islamic boarding schools more effectively and sustainably.</em></p> Ahmad Afif ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 7 1 39 53 10.35719/ijic.v7i1.2146 PROPHETIC COMMUNICATION AS A JUDGE ANALYSIS OF COMMUNICATION IN HADITH ABOUT LIES IN TESTIMONY https://jurnalpasca.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/IJIC/article/view/2154 <p><em>Communication is a term that describes one of the types of human relationships used to share ideas and concepts between two or more parties. For the communication process to be executed, a minimum of two parties is required, as an individual cannot communicate solely with themselves. The communication process also involves sharing ideas, symbols, words, images, and numerous other messages that convey specific meanings. Communication is an essential part of our daily activities, and no individual can live without it. Socialization, education, and learning are heavily dependent on communication. The more positive and skilled the communication, the greater the value and superiority of what we learn. Especially when the communicator holds authority in making decisions. In the story of a hadith, Prophet Muhammad SAW taught the method of communication to false witnesses, demonstrating wise communication while also issuing a warning. Based on these issues, this research formulates two main problems: 1) How did the Prophet Muhammad SAW communicate? 2) How did the Prophet analyze the method of communication with false witnesses? This research uses a qualitative method with a sociological theory approach. The conclusion of this research shows how the Prophet provided advice. In the communication conducted, the Prophet emphasized the importance of speaking good words, being truthful, giving advice with kindness, and issuing a warning to false witnesses.</em></p> Fitah Jamaludin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 7 1 54 70 10.35719/ijic.v7i1.2154