CREW Journal <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 10,5pt; color: black;"><strong>The CREW</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> is an open access journal published by Language Development Unit, State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq, Jember. It becomes a platform for researchers, academicians, practitioners or post-graduate students to disseminate outputs from their research grounded in current theoretical and conceptual lens. <br><strong>The CREW Journal</strong> offers critical and fresh insight into current issues particularly in foreign language education and language assessment and testing. However, it also receives submission in the areas of linguistics, literature, and applied linguistics. It also covers the following, but not limited to, research areas, including: Innovation in English and Arabic language teaching methodology; In-service and pre-service teacher professional development; Integration of technology into language teaching and learning; Foreign language education, second language acquisition, and curriculum; Educational linguistics and literature in English and Arabic studies.</span></p> The CREW Journal is an open-access journal published by the Language Development Unit, State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq, Jember en-US CREW Journal 2829-3762 HURUFU JARRI MIN WA MA'ANIHA FI MAULIDI AL DIBA'I LI AL IMAM ABDU AL RAHMAN AL DIBA'I (DIRASAH NAHWIYAH) <p>هذا البحث يبحث عن حروف الجر في مولد الديبعي، مولد الديبعي هو الكتاب المدائح وسيرة حياة النبي على صورة القصة. مولد الديبعي للإمام عبد الرحمن الديبعي هو كتاب مشهور عند المسلمين في العالم الإسلامي وفي إندونيسيا. محتويات هذا الكتاب هو المدائح وسيرة حياة النبي على صورة القصة، لتذكار ولاحتفال مولد النبي محمد صلى ألله عليه وسلم الذي يكتبه الإمام عبد الرحمن الديبعي. وحرف الجر هي كلمة تدل على معنى في غيرها، وقد تكون حرف الجر إذا دخلت على الكلمة بنفس الحرف فلها كثيرة من المعنى التي مختلفة، فلذا اهتم الباحث بمناقشة هذا البحث. وأما اسئلة في هذا البحث هي: 1) كم عدد حروف الجر في "مولد الديبعي" للإمام عبد الرحمن؟. 2) ما معاني حروف جر "من" في "مولد الديبعي" للإمام عبد الرحمن؟. 3). ما العبر والثمرات التي تأخذ من "مولد الديبعي" للإمام عبد الرحمن؟.</p> <p>ومنهج البحث استخدمه الباحث فهو منهج البحث كيفي، ومصادر بياناتها هي مولد الديبعي. وطريقة جمع البيانات هي طريقة مكتبية وطريقة وثائقية.</p> <p>أما نتائج هذا البحث هي أن عدد حروف الجر في مولد الديبعي ١٤٣ حرفا. ويحتوي عليها ٩ حرفا وهي: (من، إلى، حتى، في، عن، على، لام، كاف، باء). أما معاني حرف جر "من" الموجودة في هذا المولد فكما يلي: حرف الجر "من" فيها لها ستة معان يعني ابتداء الغاية والتأكيد والتبعيض والبيان وبمعنى عن والتعليل. ثم العبرة والثمرات في هذ المولد هي خَلقه وخُلقه وشمائله ومعجزاته وإرهاصاته. ومعرفة شمائله وشيمه ومعجزاته وإرهاصاته تستدعي كمال الإيمان به عليه الصلاة والسلام وزيادة المحبة. إذ الإنسان مطبوع ومجبول على حب الجميل خلقا وخلقا علما وعملا، حالا واعتقادا.</p> <p>كلمة الأساسية: معاني حروف الجر، نحو، مولد الديبعي</p> Fathur Ramadhani Ramadhani za'imatil Ashfiya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-02 2024-01-02 2 2 1 17 10.35719/crewjournal.v2i2.1911 FAʿĀLĪAẗI WASĪLAẗI SPINNING WHEEL FĪ TAḤSĪNI NATĀIJI TAʿLĪMI AL-NAḤWI FĪ AL-MADRASATI AL-MUTAWASSITHAH AL-ISLĀMĪAH BUSTĀNU AL-ʿULŪM AL-SURŪR SŪMBER JAMBE LIL SANATI AL-DIRĀSĪYATI 2022/2023 M <p>Spinning wheel learning media is a learning media in the form of a spinning wheel containing questions that combines the ability to answer questions with the insights that students already have. As a result of personal interviews with Arabic teachers, researchers obtained academic information that there are still many students who have difficulty learning Arabic, especially in qawaid nahwu. The researcher took the title of this study because of the problems that occur among students who lack enthusiasm in learning nahwu so that learning outcomes are not optimal. Therefore, researchers consider that spinning wheel learning media is very suitable for this problem. The purpose of this study are: To determine the effectiveness of Spinning Wheel learning media in improving nahwu learning outcomes. Researchers use quantitative research approaches and types of experimental research, as well as data collection methods through observation, tests, and documentation. Data analysis method using t-test code. The results of this research mean the application of spinning wheel learning media to improve learning outcomes nahwu there are differences in the learning outcomes of the control group and the experimental group. Thus the spinning wheel learning</p> Abdul Muqit Ade Ruswatie ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-02 2024-01-02 2 2 44 56 10.35719/crewjournal.v2i2.1915 TANFĪDZU AL-THARĪQAH AL-INTIQĀĪYATI FĪ TA’LĪMI AL-LUGAH AL-ARABĪYATI LADĀ AL-TULLĀBI FĪ AL-SHIFFI AL-HĀDĪ ‘ASYARA BI AL-MADRASATI AL-ṮSĀNAWĪYATI NŪRUL AL-HIKAM SITUBONDO LIL SANATI AL-DIRĀSĪYATI 2022/2023 M. <p>Nurul Hakam Situbondo Secondary School is one of the schools located in the village of Kaspera, which is dedicated to teaching the Arabic language. Its teaching has problems, such as the efficiency of teaching the Arabic language in this school is low and the desire of the students to study the Arabic language is incomplete. During the observation, the researcher found several things, namely lack of interest in learning due to monotonous learning, suboptimal student potential due to unavailability of learning media, different student characteristics, and school environment factors that are less supportive in the teaching and learning process. The researcher chooses the place of research in Nour Al-Hakam Secondary School, which: First, there was no accustomed to using the two languages ​​in daily life, and second, in this school the eclectic method was used in teaching the Arabic language.</p> <p>The objectives of the research are: describing the implementation and evaluation of the eclectic method in teaching the Arabic language to students in the eleventh grade of Nurul Hakam Situbondo Secondary School for the academic year 2022/2023 AD. The research method that the researcher used is descriptive qualitative approach research with the method of collecting data, which is observation and personal interview. And documentary. This research uses the technique of validity of the research, source triangulation and triangulation technique</p> <p>The results of the research are the implementation of the selective method in teaching the Arabic language to students in the eleventh grade of Nour Al-Hakam Secondary School. The lesson says peace to the students, then he asks them about the news and asks the students who did not enter the class. Then the teacher ordered the students to close the Arabic language lesson book and then asked them about the lesson learned yesterday. After that, the teacher explained the educational material clearly, then the teacher gave all students the opportunity to choose and write one incomprehensible vocabulary on the board, after the students had written all the vocabulary. The teacher read the vocabulary words with their meaning one by one and took turns with the students. Then in conclusion, the teacher evaluated and evaluated the students in each meeting.</p> Sayyidatina Iliyati Cindy Aulia Ainy ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-02 2024-01-02 2 2 57 69 10.35719/crewjournal.v2i2.1916 An ANALYSIS OF LOCAL CULTURE REPRESENTATION IN ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN INDONESIA <p><em>Incorporating local culture into textbooks is crucial for English language learning. This study aimed to analyze how local culture was represented in English textbooks for 9th-grade of junior high school students in Indonesia. The analysis focused on both textual and visual representations of cultural aspects, employing Yuen's (2011) framework, which identified products, practices, perspectives, and persons. This study utilized interpretive content analysis as a research method, encompassing the data analysis phases of preparation, organization, and reporting. Results showed that the textbooks successfully portray all four cultural aspects, with products being the predominant aspect. Additionally, religions emerged as a new aspect which was not specifically addressed in Yuen's previous study; however, during the analysis, they were depicted multiple times in the textbooks. Nevertheless, notable significant variations in the amount and types of data for each cultural aspect highlighted the necessity for a more balanced and comprehensive representation of culture in textbooks. </em></p> An-Nida Farrahillah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 2 2 31 43 10.35719/crewjournal.v2i2.1926 FOSTERING SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT’S SPEAKING FLUENCY THROUGH TASK-BASED DIGITAL STORYTELLING <p><em>Learning to speak fluently in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is crucial for language acquisition. This study focuses on the use of digital storytelling to enhance speaking fluency, addressing a gap in existing research. The case study details a digital storytelling project implemented in Jember Islamic Senior High School with 11th-grade students aged 16 to 17. Through classroom observations, artifact analysis, and semi-structured interviews, the research uncovered three key findings: 1) DST-mediated speaking fluency development, 2) Enhancing students' enthusiasm for acquiring speaking fluency and 3) The enjoyable learning students experience in speaking classroom. The study suggests that emotions and experiences during digital storytelling benefit students and educators, fostering creativity, joy, and enthusiasm in the learning journey, ultimately enhancing speaking skills. In conclusion, the research strongly recommends digital storytelling as an effective learning approach for students aspiring to improve their speaking fluency.</em></p> Muhammad Musawimin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 2 2 31 43 10.35719/crewjournal.v2i2.1927 THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL STORY TELLING ON 7TH GRADE STUDENT SPEECH SKILL AT MTS SITUBONDO <p><em>Speaking is the ability to share ideas, feelings, and so on to have an interaction with others. Mastering English is needed by the students. However, had low speaking proficiency and they were afraid to make mistakes. students Therefore, Quasi Experimental is a method that used to improve the students speaking skills. The question of this research is How the effect of using digital storytelling on students speaking Skills?. However, the objective of this research is to measure whether or not there is any significant effect of digital storytelling (DST) in improving speaking Skills. The research was Quantitative Research especially a Quasi-Experimental Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The research was conducted with two groups, namely experimental group (15 students) and control group (17 students). There are three stages in this research, namely; Pre-test, treatment, and Post-test. However, after the treatment, the researcher gave Post-test for both groups. Pre-test and Post-test were collected then analyzed the independent one way ANOVA by using SPSS V20. The mean of pre-test in experimental class was 55 and the mean of post-test in experimental class was 83 (83 &gt;55). While, the mean of pre-test in control class was 45 and the mean of post-test in control class was 57 (45 &gt;57). So, the mean of post-test in experimental group was higher than control group. Moreover, This can also be seen from the results of the hypothesis test, the One Way ANOVA test, which obtained a sig score of 0.023. In accordance with decision making in the One Way ANOVA test, namely if p &lt; 0.005 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So, the result that can be concluded is that Ha was accepted, so the research concluded that with the treatment given to these students there was an increase in the students' speaking skills.</em></p> Siti Nurul Quratul Aini Siti Khodijah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-06-29 2023-06-29 2 2 57 69 10.35719/crewjournal.v2i2.1930 THE EXPLORING THE OPPORTUNITIES: IMPLEMENTING MIND MAPPING IN SEVENTH GRADE READING STUDENT OF SMP TERPADU MADINATUL ULUM <p><em>The purpose of this study is to outline how mind maps are used to help middle school students learn to read. Case study design is a qualitative research approach used in this research. The research was carried out at SMP Terpadu Madinatul Ulum. Observations, interviews, and document reviews&nbsp;were used to collect data. Meanwhile, triangulation of sources and techniques is used in data validation. Based on data analysis and student comments, the findings of this study indicate that mind maps enhance vocabulary acquisition by offering a visual representation of the content of the text.</em></p> Verryna Rosita Sari Nina Hayuningtyas ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 2 2 71 86 INTEGRATING COMIC STRIPS IN THE CLASSROOM AMID THE PERVASION OF TECHNOLOGY <p><em>There have been pervasive uses of technology and social media in the classrooms to improve the way English skills are taught. However, Indonesian students' proficiency in reading comprehension is still considered to be inadequate due to language barriers, the lack of motivation and the lack of visually engaging English texts. Therefore, the current study attempted to bring back a conventional way of teaching reading comprehension by integrating comic strips as an instructional media in the classroom. Employing Kemmis and McTaggart’s Classroom Action Research, it was found that t</em><em>he </em><em>implementation of </em><em>comic strips</em> <em>successfully </em><em>improved the students’ low </em><em>reading comprehension</em><em> skill for 22 junior high school students.</em></p> Fitrotul Qomariyah Febrina Rizky Agustina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 2 2 89 103 10.35719/crewjournal.v2i2.1937 STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON USE OF STUDENT WORKSHEET IN SPEAKING SKILL AT THIRD GRADE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL <p><em>The research questions in this research are as follow: 1) </em><em>What are the students’ perceptions on use of Student worksheet in </em><em>Speaking Skill</em><em> at third grade of Junior</em><em> High School</em><em>?</em><em> 2)</em> <em>What </em><em>factors</em><em> do</em><em> influence the use</em> <em>of</em><em> student worksheet in </em><em>Speaking Skill</em><em> at third grade of </em><em>Junior</em><em> High School</em><em>?</em><em>This research applied a qualitative descriptive as research method. It was conducted in </em><em>Junior</em><em> High School. The data were gathered by observation, interview, and document review. While, technique and data source triangulation were used to validate data.&nbsp;</em><em>The result of this research indicated that there were a positive and negative perception based on the material and exercise in the student worksheet. First, for the students’ positive perceptions were: (a) </em><em>students said that they become more active, enthusiast, and motivated in learning&nbsp; (b) it was easy for them to understand the material and also to do the task (b) the students can speak properly and correctly in learning by using the student worksheet. Second, for the s</em><em>tudents’ </em><em>negative </em><em>perceptions </em><em>based on the material and exercise </em><em>were</em><em>: (a) the students </em><em>cannot improve their vocabulary</em><em> because most of the </em><em>material</em><em> is translated by the teacher and Google (b) the students </em><em>cannot improve their speaking skill because the student worksheet not yet focus on speaking skill only</em><em> (c) </em><em>the students still mix English with indonesian or Javanese in the learning process.</em><em> (d)</em><em> the student worksheet not fulfill the students’ need in learning </em><em>.</em> <em>While for the factors influence the use of student worksheet in speaking skill, the researcher found that most of the students agree that the </em><em>internals factors contain: physiological and psychological. Meanwhile,</em><em> the </em><em>external factors contain environmental and instrumental factors influence the use of student worksheet in speaking skill.</em></p> Zahratul Maujudatul Mufidah Nur Qodro Maziya Rizqi Yaumi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-23 2024-01-23 2 2 71 86 10.35719/crewjournal.v2i2.1931