IJIEF (ISSN: 2615-7535) is a bilingual (Indonesia/Malay & English), academic, peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Islamic Economics, Postgraduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Jember. The journal particularly focuses on topics related to Indonesian Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking, Islamic Finance, Islamic Accounting, Islamic Insurance (Takaful), Islamic Microfinance, Islamic Social Enterprises, Islamic Ethics, Zakah Shadaqa Infaq Waqf (ZISWAF), Islamic Political Economy, Islamic Philanthropy and other relevant topics. The journal is to provide readers with a better understanding of Indonesian Islamic economics and finance and present developments through the publication of research paper, conceptual paper, conference/seminar/workshop paper, case studies, book review, and technical report. This journal is dedicated to building a platform for academicians, market and those who interested in Islamic economics and finance studies to share, discuss, evaluate, and distribute their work, ideas, and opinions.