Author Guidelines

  1. The journal accepts articles written in standard/academic English or Arabic. The authors must make sure that no spelling errors or mechanical mistakes appear before submitting the manuscript.
  2. Original research paper includes the following main headings: 1) abstract; 2) introduction; 3) literature review; 4) method; 5) findings & discussion; 6) conclusion; and 7) reference.
  3. Brief report paper includes the following main headings: 1) abstract; 2) introduction; 3) method; 4) findings & discussion; 5) conclusion; and 6) reference.
  4. Book review section invites authors to review either monograph or book chapter authored by experts in the fields published at least three years in advance.
  5. The manuscript submitted to the journal is typed in Times New Roman, 12 font size, and 1.5 line space.
  6. The journal prefers references published by scholarly journals not predatory ones. If available, the authors are suggested to provide the reference DOIs.
  7. The reference system follows the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing system.