

We are excited to announce that the IJIL website has moved to a new hosting provider. You can now visit our website at the new link:


Journal Title  Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law
Editor-in-Chief  Muhammad Fauzinudin Faiz

Managing Editor

 Zezen Zainul Ali

ISSN online  2615-7543
Prefiks DOI  10.35719/ijil
Frequency  Biannual (June and December) & Bilingual (English and Arabic)
Url  https://ijil.uinkhas.ac.id/index.php/IJIL/index
Email  ijil.pascasarjana@uinkhas.ac.id
Publisher  Postgraduate Program of UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember
Citation Analysis   Google Scholar | GarudaMorarefCitedness in Scopus | Dimensions| EBSCO | Etc.
Address Jl. Mataram No. 1 Karang Mluwo, Mangli, Kec. Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68136

Thank you for your continued support!

The Editorial Team