Author Guidelines

a. The editorial team will select the articles that are submitted. Articles submitted for publication must adhere to the specified parameters.

b. Prior to submitting an article, writers are required to register with the open web journal system of the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law (IJIL).

c. Articles must adhere to the focus and scope of the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law (IJIL) and align with the designated theme.

d. The editorial team used plagiarism and AI content detector software to confirm that these articles were the author's original works, and they found no evidence of plagiarism or content generated by artificial intelligence. The acceptable level of plagiarism tolerance should not exceed 15 percent.

e. The manuscript has not been previously published in any other journal or publishing platform, nor is it currently undergoing the publication process elsewhere.

f. Articles are the outcomes of studies or intellectual investigations.

g. Articles typically comprise a word count ranging from 5000 to 6000 without including the title, abstract, or bibliography.

h. Articles must be written exclusively in either Arabic (Fushah) or English (British)

i. The article's structure adheres to the format of the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law (IJIL).

j. All references should be cited according to the current Publication Manual of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (author-date), using either Mendeley or Zotero reference manager applications. Whenever possible, the DOI of the references must be included.