Reinterpretasi Hukum Larangan Keluar Rumah Bagi Istri Dalam Masa Idah Raj’i: Telaah Hermeneutika Double Movement Fazlur Rahman

  • Ahmad Husennafarin IAIN Palangkaraya
Keywords: Reinterpretation of Law, Prohibition of Exit House, Wife, Iddah Raj'i, Hermeneutic double movement of Fazlur Rahman, Reinterpretasi Hukum, Larangan Keluar Rumah, Istri, Masa Idah Raj’i, Hermeneutika double movement Fazlur Rahman


Abstract: The prohibition of getting out of the house for the wife in the reign of Idah Raj'i in Q.S. Aţ-Talāq [65]: 1 still left the matter. This article aims to study the meaning of the obligation of the former wife which settled in the house that was passed during Idah Raj'i period contained in the QS. Aţ-Talāq [65]: 1. The method of writing in this article has used method of double movement Hermenutic of Fazlur Rahman and strengthened by Uṣhūl al-Fiqh. The results of the analysis, namely: through the perspective of Hermeneutics double movement of Fazlur Rahman, the message of the Qur'an contained in Q.S. Aţ-Talāq [65]: 1 precisely addressed to the husband to give protection against women during the time of Idah and Ordered the husband to provide a living mut'ah during the time of Idah for the wife they were divorced.In the study of Usul fiqh, the interpretation of legal significance in Q.S. aţ-talāq [65]: 1 In the perspective of the double-movement hermeneutics of Fazlur Rahman adheres to the enormous values of both sides.

Keywords: Reinterpretation of Law, Prohibition of Exit House, Wife, Iddah Raj'i, Hermeneutic double movement of Fazlur Rahman.


Intisari: Larangan keluar dari rumah bagi istri dalam masa idah raj`i yang tertuang dalam Q.S. Aţ-Talāq [65]: 1 masih meninggalkan persoalan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menelaah makna kewajiban mantan istri menetap dalam rumah yang ditalak pada masa idah raj`i yang terkandung dalam QS. Aţ-Talāq [65]: 1. Metode penulisan dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode hermeneutika double movement Fazlur Rahman serta dikuatkan dengan uṣhūl al-fiqh. Hasil analisis tersebut, yaitu: Melalui perspektif hermeneutika double movement Fazlur Rahman, pesan Alquran yang tertuang dalam Q.S. Aţ-Talāq [65]: 1 justru ditujukan kepada pihak suami untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap perempuan selama masa idah dan memerintahkan pihak suami agar memberikan nafkah mut’ah selama masa idah untuk istri yang mereka talak. Dalam kajian ushul fiqh, reinterpretasi hokum makna dalam Q.S. Aţ-Talāq [65]: 1 dalam perspektif hermeneutika double movement Fazlur Rahman sejalan dengan nilai-nilai kemashlahatan kedua pihak.

Kata Kunci: Reinterpretasi Hukum, Larangan Keluar Rumah, Istri, Masa Idah Raj’i, Hermeneutika double movement Fazlur Rahman

How to Cite
Husennafarin, A. (2020). Reinterpretasi Hukum Larangan Keluar Rumah Bagi Istri Dalam Masa Idah Raj’i: Telaah Hermeneutika Double Movement Fazlur Rahman. Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law, 2(2), 1-19.