
  • JESE: Journal of Elementary School Education

    The Master's Program in Primary Education at the Graduate School of UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Shiddiq Jember publishes research articles in the fields of mathematics education, science education, Indonesian language education, and social studies for primary education. JESE: Journal of Elementary School Education publishes research studies that utilize various qualitative and quantitative methods and approaches in primary education, with a biannual publication schedule in June and December. This journal aims to advance concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms, and methodologies within the scope of primary education.

  • MANAGIERE: Journal of Islamic Educational Management

    MANAGIERE is the root of the term Management comes from Latin, which means to do, carry out, or take care of something. MANAGIERE: Journal of Islamic Educational Management a peer-reviewed journal on Islamic educational management field and intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. This journal is published by Postgraduate UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember, twice a year (May and November). The specific scopes are ranged from but not limited to: Leadership in Islamic Education, Islamic Education Policy, Management of Curriculum and Instruction in Islamic Education, Human Resource Management in Islamic Education, Management of Public Relation in Islamic Education, Islamic Education Financing, Islamic Education Marketing, Organizational Culture in Islamic Education, Conflict Management in Islamic Education, Management of Guidance and Counseling in Islamic Education, and Management of Infrastructure and Facilities in Islamic Education. The editors welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners of Islamic educational management around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published in this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication.

  • CREW Journal

    The CREW Journal is an open access journal published by Language Development Unit, State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq, Jember. It becomes a platform for researchers, academicians, practitioners or post-graduate students to disseminate outputs from their research grounded in current theoretical and conceptual lens.
    The CREW Journal offers critical and fresh insight into current issues particularly in foreign language education and language assessment and testing. However, it also receives submission in the areas of linguistics, literature, and applied linguistics. It also covers the following, but not limited to, research areas, including: Innovation in English and Arabic language teaching methodology; In-service and pre-service teacher professional development; Integration of technology into language teaching and learning; Foreign language education, second language acquisition, and curriculum; Educational linguistics and literature in English and Arabic studies.

  • Journal of Arabic Language Teaching

    ARKHAS ("AR" Arabic, "KHAS" KH. Achmad Siddiq) is an Arabic teaching journal published by PBA Pascasarjana UIN KH. Achmad Siddiq Jember, Indonesia. The editors invite experts and academics to contribute their manuscripts, whether in the form of research results, in-depth opinions, book reviews relating to Arabic teaching themes. This journal is published periodically twice a year, the first issue in June, the second issue in December as a vehicle for scientific communication around Arabic teaching written in Arabic or English.

  • IJIE International Journal of Islamic Education

    International Journal of Islamic Education (IJIE) is an online journal system (OJS) published by the Post Graduate Program of the State Islamic Institute of Jember, Indonesia. This is a biannual journal and is regularly published in June and in October. This blind reviewed journal covers issues on education and specifically on Islamic education in the Southeast Asia context.

  • Indonesian Journal of Islamic Teaching

    Indonesian Journal of Islamic Teaching ,  PGMI & PAI Pascasarjana IAIN Jember. 2615-7551 Pendidikan Agama Islamm  dan Pembelajaran 


  • IJIC: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication

    Communication journals have been scattered on various campuses, both undergraduate and postgraduate, in conjunction with broadcasting or da'wah, but all existing communication journals make communication an object of research, so it's no wonder they contain various communication theories that lead to da'wah and broadcasting skills. However, it is different from the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication which is under the auspices of the UIN KHAS Jember Postgraduate Program. Postgraduate is under the auspices of UIN KHAS Jember, which has the jargon as a center for Islamic studies in the archipelago, so various journal directions must be directed towards this jargon, including the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication as the Journal of Islamic Communication. Therefore, the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication does not make communication science an object but rather a subject capable of communicating religious issues and various lifelines, including culture, modernity, etc. At this stage, the journal Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication integrates and interconnects various sciences to become new ones.

  • Mozaic: Islamic Studies Journal

    Mozaic: Islamic Studies Journal  (E-ISSN: 2830 5167) is a journal published twice a year (June and December) by Postgraduate of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq State Islamic University Jember, Indonesia.

    Mozaic contains the results of field research, conceptual analysis research, and book reviews from various perspectives, namely education, law, philosophy, theology, Sufism, history, culture, economics, social and politics. This journal encourages articles that take an interdisciplinary approach to the topic and aims to bridge the gap between textual and contextual approaches to Islamic Studies.

    Mozaic will be managed by editors at the Postgraduate of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember State Islamic University but has a board of distinguished international leaders, including scholars from America, Belgium, India, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. will discuss important issues for scholars, students, and researchers of Islamic studies.

    As a medium for disseminating and exchanging scientific ideas, Mozaic positively welcomes contributions from scholars from related disciplines and invites any discussion of Islamic Studies as a goal and scope to promote scientific publications about Islam in a broad sense that includes normative, historical, philosophical aspects. , etc.

  • Indonesian Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance

    Islamic economics in recent years has experienced rapid development. Various common and Islamic higher education institution, both state and private, opened the Study Program of Islamic Economics, a Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, and Ph.D. Degree. This reality indicates that Islamic Economics in Indonesia is increasingly being accepted and its existence is increasingly gaining recognition. As a relatively new field of discipline in the higher education world, the Islamic Economics must develop a framework of thought, strategic, consistent, evaluative, prospective, and contributive for scientific development and in solving socio-economic problems. On this basis, the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance (IJIEF) is presented as a media of information and communication about Islamic economics and finance in Indonesia. Considering the limited similar media in Indonesia, this academic journal is expected to enrich studies and research in the field of Islamic finance and economics. 

    IJIEF (ISSN: 2615-7535) is a bilingual (Indonesia/Malay & English), academic, peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of Islamic Economics, Postgraduate Program, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Jember. The journal particularly focuses on topics related to Indonesian Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking, Islamic Finance, Islamic Accounting, Islamic Insurance (Takaful), Islamic Microfinance, Islamic Social Enterprises, Islamic Ethics, Zakah Shadaqa Infaq Waqf (ZISWAF), Islamic Political Economy, Islamic Philanthropy and other relevant topics. The journal is to provide readers with a better understanding of Indonesian Islamic economics and finance and present developments through the publication of research paper, conceptual paper, conference/seminar/workshop paper, case studies, book review, and technical report. This journal is dedicated to building a platform for academicians, market and those who interested in Islamic economics and finance studies to share, discuss, evaluate, and distribute their work, ideas, and opinions.

  • Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law

    The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law, a.k.a. IJIL (P-ISSN: 2085-627X, E-ISSN: 2615-7543), is published twice a year, in June and December, by the IJIL Research Centre of the Department of Islamic Family Law, Postgraduate Programme, Universitas Islam Negeri Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember since 2019 (first edition).

    IJIL steadfastly maintains Islamic legal studies as the cornerstone of its academic inquiry. The journal encompasses a broad spectrum of themes within this field, including Islamic Family Law, Islamic Law and Society, Islamic Law and Gender, Islamic Jurisprudence, and Islamic Legal Theory. Upholding a fair and rigorous double-blind peer review process, IJIL is committed to consistently publishing high-quality research articles that explore various dimensions and approaches pertinent to these diverse but interconnected areas of Islamic law. This comprehensive focus enables the journal to contribute significantly to understanding and advancing Islamic legal scholarship.

    IJIL, in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Sharia Scientists and Scholars (HISSI), Asosiasi Dosen Hukum Keluarga Islam (ADHKI), Ikatan Hakim Agama (IKAHA), Kongres Ulama Perempuan Indonesia (KUPI), Maqasid Centre, etc. Since its inception in 2018, the IJIL has published articles by distinguished scholars from four continents—Asia, Europe, Australia, and Africa—and from over six countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Canada, Australia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and Turkey, among others. These scholars hail from some of the world's leading universities.


    All submissions must be made through the Indonesian Islamic Law Journal OJS system. We absolutely do not accept submissions via email. The Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law issues two distinct types of Letters of Acceptance (LoA) for our contributors and researchers: the Conditional Letter of Acceptance (LoA) and the Unconditional Letter of Acceptance (LoA).

    • Conditional Letter of Acceptance (LoA): Authors whose submissions have received approval from our editorial board are eligible for this type of acceptance letter. However, it is contingent upon the fulfilment of certain conditions or revisions. The conditions may include, but are not limited to, minor modifications in the manuscript, additional peer review, or compliance with specific formatting guidelines. Accepting the manuscript for publication is subject to the satisfactory completion of these conditions.

    • Unconditional Letter of Acceptance (LoA): The Unconditional Letter of Acceptance is issued to authors whose submissions have met all our publication criteria with excellence and do not require further modifications or conditions. This letter signifies the readiness of the manuscript for immediate publication in the Indonesian Journal of Islamic Law, acknowledging its compliance with our editorial standards and quality benchmarks.