Author Guidelines

General Guideline

-  The article is an original work of the author/s.
-  The author/s have the responsibility to check thoroughly the accuracy of citation, grammar, table, and figures before submission.
-  The author/s have the responsibility to revise their article after receiving a review from the editorial boards.
-  The author/s should register at the e-journal of MANAGIERE before submitting their paper and fill the form completely.
-  The article should be submitted online.
-  The articles will be reviewed by the Editorial Board.

Structure of the Article


  • The title should be clear, short, and concise that depicts the main concern of the article.
  • The title should contain the main variable or focus of the research.
  • The title should be typed in bold and capital letters.

Name of the author/s

  • The author/s name should be typed below the title of the article without academic title
  • The author/s address (affiliation) should be typed below the name of the author/s
  • The author/s email address should be typed below the author/s address


  • The abstract is the summary of an article that consists of a background of the study, data collecting technique, data analysis method technique, research findings.
  • The abstract should be written in one paragraph and a single space. 
  • The abstract should be in 150 words minimum and 200 words maximum.
  • The word “abstract” should be typed in bold, capital letter, and italic.


Keywords must be chosen carefully. They should:

  • Represent the content of your manuscript
  • Be specific to your field or sub-field
  • Keywords should be typed in italic

The introduction consists of a background statement, research questions, theoretical framework, literature review.  

The discussion consists of the research findings, including a description of the collected data, analysis of the data, and interpretation of the data using the relevant theory.

The conclusion is not merely a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research problem but a synthesis of key points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research.

The reference is a reading list that enriches the writing so that it remains listed authors with or without directly referenced in the text. The reference consequently loads all the author's reading list compiled alphabetically. The composition of the reference used should consist of 80% of primary references (journals, proceedings) and a maximum of 20% of secondary references (textbook) published in the last 10 years and each article should have at least 15 references. 

Technical Regulations of Writing

How to present table

  • Table should be appeared align text to the left.
  • To write the content of the table, it might use 10pt font Constantia.
  • The Source of the table should be typed below the table, align text to the left, 10pt font Constantia.
  • Table should have not vertical lign

How to present a picture, graph, photo, and diagram

  • Picture, graph, figure, photo, and diagram should be placed at the center.
  • The number and title should be typed above the picture, graph, figure, photo, and diagram.
  • The number and the word of the picture, graph, figure, photo, and diagram should be typed in bold, 10pt Font Constantia and at the center, while the title of them should be typed in normal (not bold)
  • Source of the picture, graph, figure, photo, and diagram should be typed below the table, align text to the left, 10pt font Constantia.
  • Picture, graph, figure, photo, and diagram should not be in colorful type (should be in white, black, or gray).

Writing of Reference

  • This journal requires the using footnotes of Chicago Manual Style 16th Edition Full note (without ibid or op.cit). A complete citation is needed for the first reference you make to any item (as with model footnote 1 below); a shortened cite (as with model footnote 2) can be used thereafter. 
  • Books are written the first name and last name of the author/s, the title of the reference in italic, editor or translator (optional), publication in parentheses contains a place of publication: Name of the publisher, year of publication, page number.


Example Reference:

[Type: book, one author]

Zadie Smith, Swing Time (New York: Penguin Press, 2016), 315–16.

Shortened Note
Smith, Swing Time, 320.

Smith, Zadie. Swing Time. New York: Penguin Press, 2016. 

[Type: book, two or three authors]

Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman, A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015), 12.
2 Marjorie E. Scaffe, Maggie Reitz, and Michael A. Pizzi, Occupational Therapy in the Promotion of Health and Wellness (Chicago: American Medical Association, 2010), 316-317.

Shortened Note
Grazer and Fishman, Curious Mind, 37.
2 Scaffe, Reitz, and Pizzi, Occupational Therapy, 419.

Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
Scaffa, Marjorie E., Maggie Reitz, and Michael A. Pizzi. Occupational Therapy in the Promotion of Health and Wellness. Chicago: American Medical Association, 2010.

[Type: book, four authors or more]

Edward O. Laumann et al., The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), 188.

Shortened Note
Laumann et al., The Social, 201.

Laumann, Edward O., John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, and Stuart Michaels. The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.

 [Type: book section]

1 Henry David Thoreau, “Walking,” in The Making of the American Essay, ed. John D’Agata (Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2016), 177–78.

Shortened Note
2 Thoreau, “Walking,” 182.

Thoreau, Henry David. “Walking.” In The Making of the American Essay, edited by John D’Agata, 167–95. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2016.

 [Type: translated book]

1 Jhumpa Lahiri, In Other Words, trans. Ann Goldstein (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2016), 146.
2 John W. Cresswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, terj. A. Fawaid (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2008), 79.

Shortened Note
3 Lahiri, In Other Words, 184.
4 Cresswell, Research Design, 79.

Lahiri, Jhumpa. In Other Words. Translated by Ann Goldstein. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2016.
Cresswell, John W. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Terjemahan oleh A. Fawaid. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2008.

 [Type: E-book]

1 Herman Melville, Moby-Dick; or, The Whale (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851), 627,
2  Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner, eds., The Founders’ Constitution (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987), chap. 10, doc. 19,
3  Brooke Borel, The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016), 92, ProQuest Ebrary.
4  Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (New York: Penguin Classics, 2007), chap. 3, Kindle.

Shortened Note
5 Melville, Moby-Dick, 722–23.
6 Kurland and Lerner, Founders’ Constitution, chap. 4, doc. 29.
7 Borel, Fact-Checking, 104–5.
8 Austen, Pride and Prejudice, chap. 14.

Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Penguin Classics, 2007. Kindle.
Borel, Brooke. The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016. ProQuest Ebrary.
Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.
Melville, Herman. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851.

 [Type: introduction of book]

1 Steven Pinker, introduction to What is Your Dangerous Idea?, ed. John Brockman (New York: Harper Perennial, 2007), xxv.

Shortened Note
2 Pinker, introduction to, xxv.

Pinker, Steven. Introduction to What is Your Dangerous Idea?, xxiii-xxxiii. Edited by John Brockman. New York: Harper Perennial, 2007.

 [Type: printed journal article]

1 Susan Satterfield, “Livy and the Pax Deum,” Classical Philology 111, no. 2 (April 2016): 170.

Shortened Note
2 Satterfield, “Livy,” 172–73.

Satterfield, Susan. “Livy and the Pax Deum.” Classical Philology 111, no. 2 (April 2016): 165–76.

[Type: online journal article]

For articles downloaded from the internet, include a URL or name from the database. Many journal articles list DOIs (Digital object identifiers). A DOI forms a permanent URL that starts with https://do. org/. This URL is better than the URL that appears in your browser's address bar

1 Shao-Hsun Keng, Chun-Hung Lin, and Peter F. Orazem, “Expanding College Access in Taiwan, 1978–2014: Effects on Graduate Quality and Income Inequality,” Journal of Human Capital 11, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 9–10,

Shortened Note
2 Keng, Lin, and Orazem, “Expanding College Access,” 23.

Keng, Shao-Hsun, Chun-Hung Lin, and Peter F. Orazem. “Expanding College Access in Taiwan, 1978–2014: Effects on Graduate Quality and Income Inequality.” Journal of Human Capital 11, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 1–34.

Journal articles often list multiple authors, particularly in the sciences. If there are four to 10 authors, list all the authors in the bibliography. In writing footnotes, only the first author's name is written followed by et al. (and others). For more than ten authors (no examples are given here), list the first seven authors in the bibliography, followed by et al.

1 Rachel A. Bay et al., “Predicting Responses to Contemporary Environmental Change Using Evolutionary Response Architectures,” American Naturalist 189, no. 5 (May 2017): 465,

Shortened Note
2 Bay et al., “Predicting Responses,” 466.

Bay, Rachael A., Noah Rose, Rowan Barrett, Louis Bernatchez, Cameron K. Ghalambor, Jesse R. Lasky, Rachel B. Brem, Stephen R. Palumbi, and Peter Ralph. “Predicting Responses to Contemporary Environmental Change Using Evolutionary Response Architectures.” American Naturalist 189, no. 5 (May 2017): 463–73.

[Type: proceeding]

1 Bill Riker, “Innovations in Seating,” in Proceedings of the Third Annual Behavioral Adaptations for Interstellar Travel Conference, ed. Jonathan Frakes. (Santa Monica, CA: TNG Inc., 1987), 184.

Shortened Note
Riker, “Innovations in Seating,” 184.

Riker, Bill. “Innovations in Seating,” in Proceedings of the Third Annual Behavioral Adaptations for Interstellar Travel Conference, ed. Jonathan Frakes. Santa Monica, CA: TNG Inc., 1987.

 [Type: presented paper]

1 Boy Justin, “Rainwater Harvesting,” Paper presented at the 16th Annual Agricultural Conference, Pietersburg University, South Africa, April 8-11, 2003.

Shortened Note
Justin, “Rainwater Harvesting,”

Justin, Boy. “Rainwater Harvesting.” Paper presented at the 16th Annual Agricultural Conference, Pietersburg University, South Africa, April 8-11, 2003.

 [Type: article or news in newspaper/magazine]

1 Rebecca Mead, “The Prophet of Dystopia,” New Yorker, April 17, 2017, 43.
2 Farhad Manjoo, “Snap Makes a Bet on the Cultural Supremacy of the Camera,” New York Times, March 8, 2017,
3 Rob Pegoraro, “Apple’s iPhone Is Sleek, Smart and Simple,” Washington Post, July 5, 2007, LexisNexis Academic.
4 Tanya Pai, “The Squishy, Sugary History of Peeps,” Vox, April 11, 2017,

Shortened Note
5 Mead, “Dystopia,” 47.
6 Manjoo, “Snap.”
7 Pegoraro, “Apple’s iPhone.”
8 Pai, “History of Peeps.”

Manjoo, Farhad. “Snap Makes a Bet on the Cultural Supremacy of the Camera.” New York Times, March 8, 2017.
Mead, Rebecca. “The Prophet of Dystopia.” New Yorker, April 17, 2017.
Pai, Tanya. “The Squishy, Sugary History of Peeps.” Vox, April 11, 2017.
Pegoraro, Rob. “Apple’s iPhone Is Sleek, Smart and Simple.” Washington Post, July 5, 2007. LexisNexis Academic.

[Type: encyclopaedia]

1 Arent Jan Wensink, “Kufr,” in The First Encyclopaedia of Islam, ed. M. Th. Houtsma, et al., vol. 7 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1987), 234.

Shortened Note
2  Wensink, “Kufr,” 234.

Wensink, Arent Jan . “Kufr.” In The First Encyclopaedia of Islam, ed. M. Th. Houtsma, et al., vol. 7. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1987.

[Type: book review]

Michiko Kakutani, “Friendship Takes a Path That Diverges,” review of Swing Time, by Zadie Smith, New York Times, November 7, 2016.

Shortened Note
2 Kakutani, “Friendship.”

Kakutani, Michiko. “Friendship Takes a Path That Diverges.” Review of Swing Time, by Zadie Smith. New York Times, November 7, 2016.

[Type: thesis or dissertation]

1 Masruroh, “Metode Pembelajaran Motorik Halus pada Anak Kelompok A di Raudlatul Athfal Bustanul Ulum Curahlele Balung Jember Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019” (Skripsi, IAIN Jember, 2019), 41.
2 Bisri Affandi, “Syaykh Ahmad al-Syurkati: His Role in al-Irsyad Movement” (Master thesis, McGill University, 1976), 34.
3 Cynthia Lillian Rutz, “King Lear and Its Folktale Analogues” (PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2013), 99–100.

Shortened Note
4 Masruroh, “Metode Pembelajaran,” 41.
5 Affandi, “Syaykh Ahmad,” 34.
6 Rutz, “King Lear,” 158.

Masruroh. “Metode Pembelajaran Motorik Halus pada Anak Kelompok A di Raudlatul Athfal Bustanul Ulum Curahlele Balung Jember Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019.” Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Jember, 2019.
Affandi, Bisri. “Syaykh Ahmad al-Syurkati: His Role in al-Irsyad Movement.” Master thesis, McGill University, 1976.
Rutz, Cynthia Lillian. “King Lear and Its Folktale Analogues.” Ph.D diss., University of Chicago, 2013.

[Type: websites with the author’s name and date]

1 “Privacy Policy,” Privacy & Terms, Google, last modified April 17, 2017,
2 “About Yale: Yale Facts,” Yale University, accessed May 1, 2017,
3 Katie Bouman, “How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole,” filmed November 2016 at TEDxBeaconStreet, Brookline, MA, video, 12:51,

Shortened Note
4 Google, “Privacy Policy.”
5 “Yale Facts.”
6 Bouman, “Black Hole.”

Bouman, Katie. “How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole.” Filmed November 2016 at TEDxBeaconStreet, Brookline, MA. Video, 12:51.
Google. “Privacy Policy.” Privacy & Terms. Last modified April 17, 2017.
Yale University. “About Yale: Yale Facts.” Accessed May 1, 2017.

[Type: websites that don’t have the author’s name but have a date]

1 “Illinois Governor Wants to 'Fumigate' State's Government,” CNN online, January 30, 2009,

Shortened Note
2 CNN, “Illinois.”

"Illinois Governor Wants to 'Fumigate' State's Government.” CNN online. January 30, 2009.

[Type: websites without the author’s name and date]

1 “Band,” Casa de Calexico, accessed October 27, 2017,

Shortened Note
2 Casa, “Band.”

“Band.” Casa de Calexico. Accessed October 27, 2017.


1 J. Robert Lennon. “How Do You Revise?,” Ward Six (blog). September 16, 2010,

Shortened Note
Lennon, “How Do You Revise?” 

Lennon, J. Robert, “How Do You Revise?.” Ward Six (blog), September 16, 2010.

[Type: social media content]

Excerpts of content shared via social media can usually be limited to text (as in the first example below). A note can be added if a more formal citation is required. In rare cases, reading a bibliography may also be appropriate. In place of the title, quote the first 160 characters of the post. These comments relate to the original post

1 Pete Souza (@petesouza), “President Obama bids farewell to President Xi of China at the conclusion of the Nuclear Security Summit,” Instagram photo, April 1, 2016,
2 Chicago Manual of Style, “Is the world ready for singular they? We thought so back in 1993,” Facebook, April 17, 2015,

Shortened Note
3 Souza, “President Obama.”
4 Michele Truty, April 17, 2015, 1:09 p.m., comment on Chicago Manual of Style, “singular they.”

Chicago Manual of Style. “Is the world ready for singular they? We thought so back in 1993.” Facebook, April 17, 2015.

[Type: translation of the Holy Book]

1 Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia, Alquran dan Terjemahan, (Semarang: Toha Putra, 1989), 45.

Shortened Note
Depag RI, Alquran dan Terjemahan, 45.

Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia. Alquran dan Terjemahan. Semarang: Toha Putra, 1989.

[Type: legal text]

1 Sekretariat Negara Republik Indonesia. Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, pasal 1 ayat (5).

Shortened Note
Setneg RI, UU No. 20 tahun 2003pasal 1 ayat (8).

Sekretariat Negara Republik Indonesia. Undang-undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.

[Type: video online]

1 Alejandra Ortega, “Grammar: Active and Passive Voice,” Purdue OWL, February 1, 2019, video, 4:22,

Shortened Note
Ortega, “Grammar.”

Ortega, Alejandra. “Grammar: Active and Passive Voice.” Purdue OWL. February 1, 2019. Video, 4:22.

[Type: movie]

Freedom Writers, directed by Richard LaGravenese, (Paramount, 2007), DVD (Paramount, 2013).

Shortened Note
Freedom Writers

Freedom Writers. Directed by Richard LaGravenese. Paramount, 2007. DVD. Paramount, 2013

[Type: interview on television, radio or a like]

1 Natasha Trethewy, “Dissection and Other Kinds of Love,” interview by Lindsey Alexander, Sycamore Review, no. 24 (Winter/Spring 2012): 35.
2 Carrie Rodriguez, interview by Cuz Frost, Acoustic Café, 88.3 WGWG FM, November 20, 2008.

Shortened Note
3 Natasha, “Dissection.”
4 Rodriguez, interview by Cuz Frost.


Trethewy, Natasha. “Dissection and Other Kinds of Love.” By Lindsey Alexander. Sycamore Review, no. 24 (Winter/Spring 2012): 31-45.

Rodriguez, Carrie. Acoustic Café. By Cuz Frost. 88.3 WGWG FM, November 20, 2008.

General Note:

Another thing that has not been regulated in this provision, it should be seen in the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide which can be accessed from the website